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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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fortunately doesn't sound anything. to teach creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should care only dot com. on r t washington condemns the killing of. libya which happened during an overnight raid on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. back in the bailout a german court approves the permanent eurozone rescue for. paves the way to joy in the five hundred billion euro facility there are conditions attached all the latest from the german capital coming up shortly. and the european commission president says the needs to integrate into a federation of nation states in order to be saved from the debt crisis drawing anger from euro skeptics who believe the blog should be heading the opposite way.
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if you just joined us welcome it's eleven pm. kevin zero in this is r.t. and first washington has condemned the killing of its passage to libya christopher stevens and three other officials who died in an attack at the u.s. consulate in the city of benghazi the bloodshed followed protests over an american film which has been described as an insult to islam is the first time a u.s. ambassador has been killed while in post since one thousand nine hundred eighty nine going to future can as the latest tonight. we heard hillary clinton say the attacks were perpetrated by a small and savage group not the people or the government of libya making it clear that the administration doesn't see it as an act of war the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi was revenge for a movie a largely unknown film well at least up to this day which makes fun of prophet
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muhammad president obama said while the united states rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others we must all unequivocally holes in the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants ambassador chris stevens and three other americans all u.s. embassy employees who died in the attack this tuesday night investors stevens who portably died from smoke inhalation the angry mob set the consulate on fire witnesses say they also used machine guns and rocket propelled grenades there's a lot of that in benghazi libya was flooded with weapons to fight colonel gadhafi creasy even seems self played an active role in bringing down quite a few something that was pointed out by hillary clinton in the speech she said how could this happen in a country we helped liberate in a city we saved from destruction we also heard that a u.s. marine and to terror team is heading for gaza to reinforce security at u.s.
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diplomatic facilities going back to the movie that instigated this deadly attack it was produced by a real estate developer from california who put its trailer on you tube something that very few people saw before a preacher from florida terry jones started promoting it the same preacher who's a burning of a koran last year triggered riots in afghanistan this latest film obviously caught fire with mr with people in the part of the world where they don't just let things like that go was they didn't with the caricature of muhammad in a danish newspaper in two thousand and five that triggered a lot of riots as we remember also as they didn't like go with the number of other in. siddons the fury over this film actually started in egypt thousand stormed the u.s. embassy in cairo on tuesday at some point they were able to pull down the u.s. flag and replace it with an islamic banner muslim brotherhood which is now in power in egypt called for nationwide protests in response to this film the revolutions
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both in egypt and libya ended up with islam is seen in power and maybe the new leaders themselves are not fundamentalists but they do appeal to those with hardcore religious sentiments the kind of sentiments which spilled into the violence this tuesday night in the assaults were violent reminder that the changes sweeping the region have hardly dispelled the rage against the united states. going to come across washington d.c. the ciscos the attacks on american diplomats and the peace activist freelance journalist on the line from london so you can evening another huge u.s. protests just predisposed to introduce you we're hearing tonight more american flags being burned all across the region as we've been reporting whoa you are scared to try to turn the situation around you think. well as mrs trickery clinton said it was a very good darkies martyrdom she came she saw and he died well similarly now the u.s. out there they've saw and one of their own put people have died now as well i just
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like to clarify that this is not strictly about just the film or though it rightly you know muslims are outraged about the content of the film which as your lead in said was would be relatively a minor thing if it was and whipped up into the media this is actually about when i was always here we mentioned yesterday and you know with some something sometimes the media forget the obviousness it's eleven years the exact anniversary date this attack in benghazi happened and iman's over here either the current leader of al qaeda also yesterday in his video address announced the martyrdom or if you hear libya a libyan who was killed in was there a stand earlier in june this year who the americans are allowed most likely to escape from the background base that he could provide service to them in libya in overthrowing gadhafi so really you know the chickens have come home to roost the quote mark in mexico to make again you know being an old farm boy i'm never i'm very sad when chickens come home to roost but nevertheless that don't don't misinterpret me to say that to think that these people are anything to support these are the same people who've been lynching blacks across libya who've been
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lynching libyans and now they've turned on the hand that feeds them so really is anyone surprised no one should be a surprise gadhafi predicted this long time ago are we going to see christopher stevens body splashed all right across the front pages like we saw gadhafi no we're not frankly if we're going to have any power that will have the christopher stevens the what happened to gadhafi he should be dragged through the streets chopped up like like a donkey and like the black people when they stringing up and chop him up in public squares in benghazi as they did on the first days of the rebellion in benghazi back in february twenty seventh and this is really how i see it happen. ok well what he did spend an awful lot of money on this trip of north african countries there's talk about that side of it of experienced all this regime change does it now look like american support there obscuring is that firing a kind of know what you. it's going to be. well it's not backfiring because this is part and parcel of their strategy they're using to perform more than half a dozen very important strategist with them and i congress through all of them but
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basically and just to suggest a highlight some of them they use are kind of the track muslim youth by promoting our car that as the bogeyman against the west and then they monitor. the militants and then they use our car there to conduct regime change and to corrupt conduct devastation against enemy states such as iran afghanistan iraq syria most and most most currently as well so really this is part and parcel of the western strategy of not just the americans but very much and why six of the british foreign office is deeply implicated in all of this as the s.a.'s were caught again on the first days of the rebellion in benghazi back in february twenty seventh so really for them things are going more or less as as they planned and look at the response of trickery clinton and obama and the u.s. state department is very weak you know compared to what usually that kind of rhetoric militant militaristic rhetoric that the united states employer will usually come out with so really look the leader of tripoli who overthrew in tripoli for nato was working with m i six and leave an islamic fighting group which i call
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libya was a part of everyone who was they were working with cia and the m i six so really these are not the people that are going to struggle to actually because some people could say maybe it's a good thing that the people are focusing now against the united states this is not going to do it these people have got no intention and no ability to goodnight people across libya these are the lynchers of patriots these the lynchers of black people and now the united states have tasted a little bit of the medicine that they've been meeting up to the rest of libya let's talk more about the response today the u.s. president and the secretary of state both said the instance will not affect the building of genuine friendly ties between america or north african nations reality or wishful thinking at this point it's ridiculous rhetoric really coming coming out with them listen their own proxies on the ground in libya can't even prove. security for their main paymasters being the british who is conway was attacked recently as well and the americans and also you know this is a total i don't i just don't think it's true that he died of a fixation from smoke you can see there are pictures circulating on the internet
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several pictures of him obviously being beaten up and bruised that's chris the person stevens so it's a really you know the libya cannot maintain security even for its masters and they're using this to create the devastation of the trauma they've done in mali and they really look with a clear eye to algeria as well because they want regime change against the f.l.n. government and algeria so you can thank you second child of the spokesman for the activist group british civilians for peace in libya. and they're also closely following developments of course on the web site r.t. dot com if you not need a t.v. keep up the breast with that you keep abreast the latest from for some from us now we're exploring that online the attacks on those u.s. missions in benghazi in cairo as unrest into post revolution countries continues to unfold we got the timeline of the protests online r.t. dot com. germany's federal courts back to motion considering considered crucial for containing the debt crisis that's been raging in europe for almost three years now it today approved that new five hundred billion euro bailout
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fund for struggling eurozone countries however the ruling comes with several conditions artie's peter all of it reports from berlin. the maximum amount that germany will be able to put in is one hundred and ninety billion if they want to put in any more than that they can have to go to the bundestag and it's going to have to be a vote on it also both houses of the german parliament are going to have to be kept up to date with a exactly what that money is being spent on it's a political success for. merkel she backed the system wholeheartedly and of course she's got an election coming up next year she couldn't afford any major embarrassment however the fact that it has to go through a vote in the bundestag and at the amount has been kept could mean that she faces a few internal problems inside the journal put german parliament if they want to try and increase the amount of money germany is going to give to those failing economies in the rest of the eurozone the five hundred billion euro ports that's
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not infinite it's got it's not a bottomless pit of cash what happens if other countries for by the way at the moment we're seeing greece needing that bailout money desperately what happens if all of that bailout money or too much of that bailout money spent on greece and say countries like italy or spain slip further into the economic mire does that mean that there's simply no cash left but them in terms of greece code i say they will be quite happy to hate it this is gone through but there's a huge meeting taking place in the country on wednesday now that is a meeting between the heads of the coalition the ruling coalition government there they have problems they can't decide how they're going to make the huge over ten billion worth of budget cuts they can decide how they're going to do that without hurting the greek people too much so it could end up if they can't make those cuts all of this decision in germany might have fallen by the wayside because the bottom line is if greece doesn't cut they don't get bailout money whatever the german
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constitutional court ruled. how does peter all over there were taught to go to burke is a specialist in the law school of oriental and african studies in london he told me he believes the motion will not bring any long term solutions to the crisis there will be a huge rally in the markets optimism will reign supreme for a short possibly slightly longer very short period of time but i think eventually i am convinced what was agreed today will not be sufficient and it will not be a solution the past is an imperfect guide to the future so far the german parliament has always approved aids i think we are reaching a point where germany has spent so much money it should not in parliamentarians go to new granting systems every time the only way of getting out of this vicious
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circle would be the success of the savings program in southern europe i card see that happen the economic situation in southern europe this dire every need cation we have is that it's getting worse if you probably sub you will gobble up is government debt to a god limited extent it will take away the said four cuts it will not enforce it. meanwhile the european commission president says the e.u. needs to integrate into a federation of nation states in order to be saved from the euro crisis however a number of experts believe the bloc should be heading the opposite way towards dissolving in order for member nations to recover are to serve first picking up the side of the story. a federation and the perp political integration that's what the president of the european commission. has called for to pull member states out of the euro crisis. well the coals for the member states to hand
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move power has really ruffled some feathers here at westminster and has caused anger amongst us skeptics who say that less europe and not more is the answer now is evidence of that your skeptics point to figures that have been released for the first time since one thousand nine hundred seventy britain is exporting more kids to the countries than it is to countries inside the e.u. and a recent questionnaire that was given to two thousand businesses conducted by the purser chamber of commerce eighty five percent of those businesses didn't want further integration with the e.u. although only twelve percent questioned actually wanted to leave the all together now you are skeptics say that this point falls apart moving away from the us having least the relations with the e.u. is certainly not going to damage the u.k.
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economy in fact far from it is that should be the way forward now here in the u.k. under legislation passed by the coalition were any substantial transfer of powers to be made to the would trigger a referendum head well to talk more about all of this we're joined by. research fellow at the taxpayer's alliance thank you very much for joining us. braces comments all they going to save us from the euro crisis. watch we've got to see commission finally coming clean about what the long term agenda for the. for what it's trying to do is trying to create all the powers that is. trying to grab the mic. most of of a disaster the u.s. or disaster in order to achieve that that's not the answer more europe is is never the answer actually breaking bits off the european union if you want to opinion to
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work it's got to be less you not more and in fact in the past a commission the president has is repeatedly second sitting talking about doing less shit and doing it better so grabbing more is simply it's political ambition it's part of the reason why the european economic community settled the first place but it's not the answer to prayer our present economic problems. that would leave rather a you're listening to there a research fellow at the taxpayers' alliance who's talking to r.t. sarah ferguson london a bit earlier. the euro crisis issues also on the minds of dutch voters too as we're reporting but later this hour on r t tonight polls no closer in the netherlands with the euro skeptic parties hoping to be backed by those with helping out their neighbors deal with the debt crisis we got the full story on that in a few minutes and also to the controversial pussy riot punk band getting a boost today from russia's prime minister dmitri medvedev who says keep the liberal members in jail for the length of this sentence would be unnecessary.
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but they axed activists in syria say battles have intensified in the country's largest city of aleppo with rebels trying to seize the international airport now under the control of government troops the airfields thought to be used by security forces to pound opposition fighters in other areas of the city on sunday a car bomb attack in the northern part of aleppo killed at least thirty and the new u.n. envoy preparing to travel to the capital damascus on thursday hoping to get peace efforts off the ground meantime russia's foreign ministry says the u.s. and u.n. security council are quick to condemn some attacks but refuse to denounce others. are within the school so far the un has strongly condemned any terror attacks then our colleagues failed to condemn the recent terror attack on syrian security forces in demand. because saying that it wasn't really a terror attack as it targeted those who fought against the rebels that explanation frankly shocked me then we suggested condemning not just the attacks in aleppo but those across iraq as well where more than one hundred people died but our partners
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refrain from any strong statements which makes me think that their position must have changed dramatically and some western countries must deem terror attacks are acceptable when it suits them but i wish they'd refute this suspicion but for now i have to keep it. russia's prime minister dmitry medvedev has said the sentences given to the band pussy riot were too harsh and that their further confined would be unnecessary three women from the group which aired last month for two years after staging a so-called punk prayer in moscow's main cathedral cover the story tonight started the goalpost going off. if was being quite frank when he said that what makes him sick and so do the hysteria and noise around this case over the prime minister did say that any jail sentence is already tough punishment and for haps any more time for pushing right behind bars may not be effective. but.
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the fact that these young women had been in custody for quite some time is by itself regardless of the verdict already a very serious punishment for the dog that's regardless of the position we are taking staying in prison is retribution in itself and a very strict months ago regarding the content of this act i don't want to be a judge's substitute but in my opinion to proceed the punishment they've already suffered of to and the time they spent in custody is more than enough for them to think about what's happened to their lives whether it's because of their stupidity or because of some of the reasons. why were arrested shortly after the so-called career many calls them to feel it seems fair you wait inside place to shift the future of this golf course you can we of. course questions across the country. for the city of waste and in august three members of pussy riot were sentenced to two years behind bars after having been found guilty of hooliganism based on
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religious hatred but now the prime minister's words come right out of the moscow city court just ready to start reviewing their appeal that's going to happen on the first of october so we'll still definitely be hearing more about pussy riot and we'll be covering it of course more world news headlines now this wednesday evening from moscow somalia's newly elected presidents escaped the assassination attempt so gunfire and explosions targeting his temporary home in the capital that suicide bomb attack on the zero tell took place while the president and the visiting kenyan foreign minister world a news conference at least five were killed three more injured present a sound show. mahmoud who was unhurt was only elected by a parliamentary majority on monday in the first such election in decades in the war torn country forward use in brief major fires in two factories in pakistan have claimed over three hundred fourteen lives and injured dozens more the most deadly blaze or the clothes workshop in caracas but it's not known how it started the victims there either suffocated or were trapped in
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a basement unable to escape emergency crews expect to find more bodies and then the second fire a shoe factory in the halls reportedly broke when employees tried to turn on a generator during a blackout. populus south african politician julius malema has called for a national mine strike encouraging the escalation of disruption that's already halted production of two platinum and gold mines his speech was greeted by the cheers of thousands of mine workers meanwhile thousands more strikers marched on a hospital in a car near where some miners are still being treated be clean there were tortured by police the rest was spot last month after police shot dead thirty four striking miners. poles are now closed in the netherlands which is choosing a new parliament with resentment over ensuring cuts uppermost in voters' minds percent of right and center left parties are neck and neck and both are expected to stick with helping out there struggling euro stablemates. reports next many dutch people though are weary of history and ready to support parties that suggest
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breaking free from brussels. it was back in ninety ninety two when a treaty was signed it michel to win maastricht in the netherlands establishing the economic and monetary union later paving the way for the creation of the single currency but today mounting a euro skepticism has spread to even countries considered poor eurozone nations including the very one where it all began and the dutch are taking their discontent to the polls so i don't know at this moment what the best is for europe i have my job because of greece. read the shelf and the netherlands it's a pro european country of course it shouldn't come to the stream level that we see with greece now in a repeated fashion this annoyance among the dutch at having to bail out greece again and again has reached a point where some dutch customers refuse to pay the bill of greek restaurants because well they've already paid with bailout money taking on a euro skeptic anti brussels stat has become
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a popular campaign strategy from the far right freedom party which is called for the return of the dutch guilder to the once fringe leftist socialist party openly challenging the german led a steady strategy for europe well we're protesting against our liberal government you know made to distinction between the rich and. much much bigger gap part of the problem is you know did europe brussels has a lot of power now and people feel like they have nothing to say about what's going on with their money or we cannot make our own decisions anymore about our housing projects about our social system about their pensions people do not want to say a united europe is ok you know but you only need a united europe to make sure this piece we can do together and there's no borders is all right but you know having just a small group of people over liberal people in brussels making up where how we how
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we spend our money the socialist sort of popularity in the past weeks and all those support has waned slightly they're still expected to increase their seats in parliament we can see in europe. fruiterer's. are becoming less convinced of the rationality of continued austerity publishing's begin to vote for parties who oppose the logical force territory we've seen it in front we've seen it in regional elections in germany which makes america very worried about the elections next year and how the dutch vote could very well tip the balance of sentiment among citizens of the so-called core of the euro zone to us are still here r t the netherlands. twenty four and a half minutes past eleven at night moscow time katie still the business there is good to see but a busy day for those void of a three headed monster but
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a free you have it here oh oh i know exactly that swartz investors are talking about right now kevin they're talking about the three headed measures that they are really crossing their fingers right now and i'm talking about stimulus coming from china u.s. and europe that pinning their hopes on and tomorrow who have the results from the federal reserve to see if that is going to be happening so as you say a three headed heroes who pay all the calls tomorrow for investors as far as the global actually markets are concerned right now with u.s. stocks they are getting a lot softer a german court cleared the way for yours bailout fund which as a result is a gazer for us so that you can see just all they have lost a little bit at the rally that we witnessed earlier oh we just got modest gains and so far the optimism is still there and as i say investors in our way of the prospects of more stimulus coming tomorrow as we look at the european markets we'll be able to see how they responded in germany it seems to be supporting the idea of
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more money tends to be dished out to the troubled countries that just spain and it's the worst traders in london all those supporters as we can see they will start about two tenths of a percent as for the euro it soon noise around the strongest of all of us is a dog. well i love the ruble got on it was mixed a day is managed to finish stronger gets us to a low against the year as the it to market is headed monster they closed up just about him close to the territory as we were able to say you can see that one base is poised for the l.c.s. three for them i says they benefited from the ride it was so on the international markets and as i say it's all about the anticipation to go and stay with us to us and they a was not as i say the triple headed measures just what people are talking about growth coming from the main spalls of the world economy and us to fall money of from a swiss bank vault all day a explains what exactly this entails for us. we are in the process where the free
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main economic zone in on the world the united states china and you're all and having very accommodative measures this is things that we have never seen in our life before and consequence of that is this kind of military replacing the price of. commodities and it would be quite good for community currencies and we recommend clients to invest in emerging debt in local currencies because it will benefit from that trend above russia so russia is a country that we are very positive on because it would benefit from this trend clearly the current valuation of the ruble does not reflect properly the price of oil and we expect the russian ruble to appreciate in the coming weeks and months so we are very positive on russia in the sense that this is a country that has a very low government debt just about ten percent of g.d.p.
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and it does a very good fiscal situation. given us a basis is that today i'll be back tomorrow keeping you updated us for yourself all right we'll see them face katie down just a few minutes after the headlines cross-talk asked whether you have too much of a good thing when it comes to foreign investment banks.
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well. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've gone to the future or covered. the mission free cretaceous free in-store charge is free to make amends three. three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media oh don the r t dot com.


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